Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Whats Love Got To Do? A Second Hand Emotion??? NOT!

Last week on Valentines Day our Oaks class discussed God and the Church. I opened up the meeting by Reading 1 Corinthians 13, better known as the Love Chapter.. "Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails..."

How have you been showing God's LOVE to the world around you. One thing I did this past week was to buy a heart shaped box of chocolates to share with the women in OAKS class. Our class also surprised the men who meet separately downstairs  with a surprise delivery from Pats Pizzeria, a large fully loaded pizza, along with a Valentines Day card from the Oaks Class telling them we love and respect them. Boy did it get noisy downstairs when that pizza was delivered!! Remember Valentines day isn't the only day to share love with others. This is something we can do is so much fun to bless others in the name of LOVE!!! Expressing LOVE doesn't have to involve money.  Time, a listening ear, words of encouragement are ways to express LOVE. Get creative and spread some love around in the name of JESUS!!

I was reminded of Tina Turners song..."Whats love got to do, got to do, got to do...whats love but a second hand emotion...whats love got to do..." Most of you know the song, its got a great beat but the message....stinks!!  LOVE is not an emotion. LOVE is an action. A gift from God and it all started in the New Testament church with the birth of  JESUS CHRIST, Gods Son, the Savior of the World.

"For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotton Son (Jesus Christ). That whosoever believes in Him (Jesus Christ) should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). The NT commandments that replaced the OT commandments are to "LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to LOVE your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). That brings us to the Church, the Body of Christ. I'm not talking about a building, I am talking about a people. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, have repented (turned) from their sins and have been baptized into the Body of Christ. What does it look like when we gather together in His Name? The church then becomes your "neighbor".

Acts 2:42 says "And they (the church) devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers."

Are we devoted to our church gatherings? I had to look up the word devoted.  It means: zealous, full of passion, strongly attached, enthusiam, strong affection for. Is this how you feel about your church gatherings? Why or why not?  What can we do about it?

Did you know that the church is a "living body, created by Christ? (Matt. 16:18) And the head of the Church is Christ. (Col. 1:18) Its through the church body that God intends to extend His kingdom throughout the earth, therefore it is very important that every Christian is a active part of a church family.

How should we act toward each other in this body? The Bible teaches we are to accept one another and not to argue over disputable matters (Rom 14:1, 12-13), It also teaches that we are to not just seek our own good but the good of others (1 Cor. 10:24), We are to speak the truth, in LOVE, and only speak what is good for building one another up in the faith (Eph. 4:25-29), We are told to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21), We are to accept one another and forgive each other....and above all we are to put on LOVE ...the perfect bond of unity. (Col. 3:13-14)  Scripture tells us that when one part suffers we all suffer and when one part rejoices we all rejoice. We are all connected, united in Christ. The bible also tells us that the world will know we are Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) by the LOVE we have for one another.  This LOVE its powerful stuff, and in my opinion, LOVE without action, like faith is dead.

Too many folks today go to church for what they can get out of it, not for what they can contribute. Meeting together with God's people is an opportunity to join God in His work there.  Often we go sit in the church, listen to the message, listen to the music and leave.  Have you ever prayed and asked God to reveal to you by the power of HIS Spirit, someone who is hurting who needs encouragement. Someone who may think no one cares so that you can reach out to them and share the LOVE of Christ.

Our churches should be a place where we are taught and live the Truth according to God's Word and where God's people come together to Pray,  and commune together. Jesus Christ himself said that "my church shall be called a house of prayer" (Matt. 21:13) Would your church be called a house of prayer. Or would it be called a house of preaching, a house of entertainment, a house of bickering and complaining? Jesus words were my house should be called a "house of prayer". Something to think about!

I hope this blog helps you to examine your church, your heart, and your part in your church. What is it that God is calling you to do? How can you make your church better? How can you reach out to your church family in a way that pleases God? So to answer Tina Turners question, Whats LOVE got to do with it? I hope after reading this blog that you will realize that LOVE'S got everything to do with it...and its not a "second hand emotion". It is so much more.  It is a gift from God that HE gives to HIS people. He fills our hearts with LOVE overflowing so we can go share HIS LOVE with others beginning with His family the church, the Body of Christ.

If you are looking for a loving church family to be devoted to, I would recommend that you check out Media Church in Oxford. We are not perfect, no one is, but you will Experience God in our church. We are a place where the Lost get Found and the Found go Deeper. Check us out on the web at

I would also like to invite you to our Oaks class. This ministry is open to all ladies any church affiliation or no church affiliation. Here you will experience the LOVE of Christ and the Love of His people. Women gather together every Tuesday evening at 7:15 at Media Church to study the Word of God, for Christian Fellowship, for Prayer and to Worship. Its a warm, comfortable place that I think you would enjoy...I know I do!!! I guess you would say I am DEVOTED!! I hope you are too!!!!

Joyfully Serving Jesus

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