Thursday, October 10, 2013

Learning More and Going Deeper In Christ


Do you feel you are at a standstill in your relationship to Christ?  Is Christianity, as you know it, not working for you? Is something missing?

Are you hungering for more in your relationship to God, but not sure what that looks like or even
If its possible?

Some Christian women today are struggling in bad marriages, have troubled children, are overwhelmed with past failures, have intense personal struggles and are filled with doubts and confusion about their spiritual lives. Some words that describe them are exhausted, burned-out, overwhelmed, defeated, depressed, ashamed, emotionally unstable, angry frustrated, discouraged, uptight, insecure, lonely and fearful.

What if I told you that instead of being miserable, frustrated and in bondage to worries, doubts, and fears you could be free, gracious, loving confident, contented, stable, joyous, peaceful and radiant?
The answer is found in a "GROWING" relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you can relate to any of this, please consider joining the Ladies Oaks Class on Tuesday evenings. Even if you can't relate to the above and are just looking for
something new this is the class for you.

 Feel free to drop in on any given'll be glad you did!!

 Class 7:30-9:00PM.


OAKS LADIES MINISTRY (based on Isaiah 61:1-3)

1. For women of all ages and backgrounds.

2. Meets at Media Mennonite Church Tuesdays; doors open at 7 pm for fellowship, class begins at 7:30 pm. Primarily a teaching group.

3. This is not a small group, but a fellowship of women hearing God's liberating truth, and supporting one another in prayer and fellowship.

4. We usually do Book study from the Bible, or a Christian book study. Sometimes we divide into groups for times of prayer and share but only as they desire. You are encouraged to bring women who are dealing with hurts of the heart.

5. Ladies are free to ask questions and join in on the discussion at hand. We all can learn from each other. But no one is ever forced to read, pray or communicate in any way if not comfortable with it.

6.  The purpose of our Group:  The Oaks are generally a group of women who have not grown up in or stayed committed to the church.  These women need to know that they are loved and cared about and welcome in our fellowship.

Want to connect?  Call Robin @ 484-368-7268 or e-mail me at
Why? Because I care..........