Friday, January 11, 2013

2013: A New Year a New Beginning

2013: A New Year a New Beginning

As I begin to think about the New Year, I do wonder what God has in store for us? So many things are happening around the world, that cause much concern. As inflation rises, and people are unemployed, as I hear in the news about random shootings targeted at young and innocent people, my heart cries out why Lord why? Why must it be this way?

I often say if it wasn't for my faith in God who is good, and all powerful and all knowing and everywhere present, who has a plan and a purpose in all things, I think I would crumble under the weight of it all. Life is not easy, but God says in His Word "Come to me all ye who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28) He also says, "I have told you these things so that you may have peace... in this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world" (John 16:33) So we are warned of days like these and what we must do.

The promises in God's Word (the Bible) bring me so much comfort. If ever there was a time when we need the peace of God it is now. When things are happening that are evil, and ugly I know that God's Word stands true and that God will take what our enemy (satan) means for bad and make something good out of it even if I do not understand the why's or the how's and this gives me a peace that the world does not understand.

It is so important for women and men to come together and study God's Word, to encourage
and build one another up in the faith and pray so that when trials come, we will stand firm, united in Christ. God promises in His word that He will always be with us. Through the good times and through the bad. God has created us with freedom of choice. The choices we make have consequences but God offers forgiveness and a new beginning through Jesus Christ to anyone who will accept it. We must learn together how to respond to the problems we face in a way that pleases God so that we will have the blessing of God on our lives. Does this sound appealing to you?

If so won't you consider attending the Oaks Ladies Ministry class that is held every Tuesday evening, at 7:30PM at Media Church in Oxford. Women from all walks of life, come together to learn about Christ, His plans, His purposes for His church and for all people. What does it mean to be a Christian? What is it that we are called to do? In what manner should we be doing it?

We will begin a new study on 1 Corinthians on January 8th. This class is timely for the church today, both to instruct and to inspire. We are still powerfully influenced by our cultural environment, and most of the questions and problems that confronted the church at Corinth, and the problems in the world, are still very much with us. Problems like immaturity, instability, divisions, jealousy, and envy, lawsuits, marital difficulties, sexual immorality and misuse of spiritual gifts. The church has a message that will change the world, so when the church is not functioning properly, the world will suffer the consequences.

So if all this sounds interesting to you, please come check us out. No fees or registration or commitment required. Join us weekly or just come when you can. Bring a friend along. (If you have a spouse, or male friend, that would like to join you, there is a mens group that meets weekly on tuesday evenings in another part of the church.) Hope to see you soon!

2013: A New Year a New Beginning

Check us out at Click under classes "Oaks Ladies Ministry"

Robin Martin if you have any questions.

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