In our Oaks Class we have been studying the book "Experiencing God" by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King. This has been one of the best studies I have ever lead in all the years I've been teaching class. I personally have been challenged to go deeper much deeper in my relationship with God and I hope that this blog will give you a taste of what I am experiencing and create a desire within you for more of God in your life.
We have discovered that there are 7 Realities of Experiencing God that we must take to heart if we are going to go deeper with Him.
Reality 1: God Is Always At Work All Around You - God did not create the world and then abandon it to function on its own. He is at work all around us, but often we don't notice.
Reality 2: God Pursues A Continuing Love Relationship With You That is Real And Personal - The key word here is a "continuing". To think that the creator of the universe and mankind is "chasing after" us...He is in "hot" pursuit of us because of His great love for us. It is His desire that we return that love in a real and personal way.
Reality 3: God Invites You To Become Involved With Him In His Work. Often we ask God what is your will for my life? That is the wrong question to ask.(its too self-centered) The question we should ask is "What is God's Will"? You will find that answer in Matthew 22:37-40 and Matthew 28:18-20.
This is often referred to as the two greatest commandments and the great commission. You will discover that God's will is for mankind to be reconciled to Himself.
Reality 4: God Speaks by The Holy Spirit Through The Bible, Prayer, Circumstances, and the Church to Reveal Himself, His Purposes, and His Ways. Do you believe that God speaks to us today? Well He does. We cannot get to know God personally if we don't listen to His voice or learn to recognize His voice. In John 10:2-4 God says that his children recognize His voice and follow Him. Do you hear the voice of God calling you? If not, why not?
Reality 5: God's Invitation For You To Work With Him Always Leads You To A Crisis of Belief That Requires Faith And Action. To follow God you have to walk by Faith because without Faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6) Often times when God asks us to do something we will think that we cannot do it. God delights in taking weak vessels like us and displaying His power through us. Then He gets the glory He deserves. Folks will say "Whats that"? Wow!! Its God!!!!
Reality 6: You Must Make Major Adjustments In Your Life To Join God In What He is Doing? These adjustments may relate to your thinking, circumstances, relationships, commitments, actions, and beliefs. You can't stay where you are and go with God at the same time. We need to be moldable and be at God's disposal to be used as God chooses.
Reality 7: You Come To Know God By Experience As You Obey Him And He Accomplishes His Work Through You. When you come to Know God is is essential that you obey Him. The more you walk in obedience the more God will reveal Himself to you.
In our Oaks class we are now discussing ways in which God speaks to us. Last Tuesday November 2nd we discussed how God speaks through His written Word the Bible. We had an awesome experience practicing this principle. I wrote 20 different scriptures on a slip of paper and passed them out. Before each person choose a slip of paper we prayed that God would give the write scripture to the right person for whom He wanted to speak through His Word. We separated for 10 minutes and mediatated on the scriptures chosen before we came back and shared as a group.
It was amazing the women that received a message from God. The scripture they had chosen was perfect for the situation they were in. One lady shared that she has been worrying too much lately and God revealed to her even before she chose her verse that it would be one on worry and it was! Another lady was struggling with being a good example at school. Her heart is that others will know that she is different because of her faith. Her verse was "let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven". Another lady who is going through some health issues got the verse "outwardly you are wasting away but inwardly you are being renewed day by day". A reminder to keep her focus on that inward renewal and that the troubles she is facing are light and momentary. Time and Time again when heard testimonies of how the verse chosen was perfect for the situation. Ladies I am here to tell you that God cares about everything you are going through and wants to help you through it.
I am so thankful to have a group of ladies to connect with on a weekly basis. I invite you to join us if you are interested in growing stronger in your faith. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7pm at Media Church in Oxford. All women all ages and stages are welcome. The youngest that attends our class is 11 and the oldest is in her 60's. We accept everyone just where they are. Come and feel the Love and Christ and the love of the church. There are no fees or pre-registration required. Just show'll be glad you did!
If you have any questions, please contact me at