As I sit here and think about EXPERIENCING GOD, I say to myself, "Who wouldn't want to experience God". Who would not want to connect with the GOD of all Creation? The ONE who LOVES you just the way you are. (Enough to send His only Son to die on the cross for your sins) The ONE who is ALL- KNOWING (His directions are always right). The ONE who is ALL-POWERFUL (He can do anything). Who would not want to get to KNOW I mean really KNOW and EXPERIENCE a living relationship with this GOD? Unfortunately there are many out there who really don't seem to care. Maybe they don't believe He exists? Maybe they don't believe He Loves them and cares about them. I am here to tell you that whether or not you believe it doesn't change the facts.
GOD loves and cares for you more than anyone ever will and HE desires for you to know Him, Hear His voice and to Follow HIM. For He knows that this relationship with Him is what you have been looking for. It is the missing link in your life.
You may say but Robin, I accepted Christ as my Savior, a long time ago, I was baptized, I attend church every week. Or you may say but Robin, you don't have to go to church to be saved, I did all that religious stuff and I know I'm saved now I can move on, do things my way. I say, deep inside are you
at peace, or is something still missing? For many out there, something is missing and that something is
a personal relationship with a living God. Many out there know about God but they do not KNOW GOD. They are not living their lives the way the Bible teaches..they have been doing things their way and are living miserable, depressing lives in bondage to sin. JESUS wants to set you free. God is doing a new thing, He is calling WOMEN back to Him. Its not about getting "religious", its about really letting go of life as you know it, and letting God do HIS thing in your life. Learning to trust HIM completely and living your life in a way that others will know that you are "GODS WOMAN" and trust me God takes care of His women. God is inviting you to join Him in His Work.
Having said I that I invite you to join us on Tuesday evenings at Media Church at 7PM. We are currently studying "Experiencing God". The women there are all at different stages in life. God is drawing them into a deeper relationship with Him...and He is calling you too. No matter where you are or what you've done...... Come Home Running His arms are open wide, His name is JESUS yes He's the One. HE is the answer you've been looking for, Come Home Running just as you are....Hope to see you soon. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at or check us out at "Oaks of Righteousness" womens ministry page at